
You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.

Soft Skills

The driving force behind every company is its employees. It is for this reason that almost every company is taking steps towards helping their staff to perform better. They realize that better performance is not just a matter of timely upgraded technical and domain-related knowledge, but also the other aspects that are overlooked, such as soft skills. According to Human Resource heads of various leading enterprises, regular training in soft skills, helps the company as a whole, as the result of such a training is to motivate the staff members.

In fact, soft skills training is at the very base of self management. Every employee has to be a qualified self-manager. There is no MBA college or such degree or diploma providing training institute that dwells into churning out self-managers. One has to learn self management through their years working - professionally for a company, or running their own venture.

Thus, in a nut shell, the soft skills, are the essential skills required to make an individual and adept self-manager. Someone who can manage the self, and other selves in order to be able to perform above expectations, or at least at par; but definitely not below.

The following are the varied soft skill training modules that are offered, in general by trainers...

Honesty and reliability; Personal integrity
Verbal Communication Skills
Flexibility - Adaptability
Team skills - Cooperation; Ability to follow regulations; Willingness to be accountable; Ability to relate to coworkers in a close environment
Non verbal communication
Leadership skills - Self-directed, ability to direct and guide others, Self-supervising; Ability to relate to coworkers in a close environment;
Positive attitude; Positive work ethic
Written Communication Skills - Basic spelling and grammar; Reading and comprehension
Personal hygiene and energy
Interpersonal skills - Communication skills with public, fellow employees, supervisors, and customers
Motivation - Willingness to learn; Caring about seeing the company succeed; Understanding what the world is all about; Commitment to continued training and learning;
Critical thinking skills
Grooming - good personal appearance


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