
You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.

Five Common Mistakes During Speaking in Public

Continually improving skills are learning a new craft is necessary to go on with the competition faced to be successful. It is important to assess your own self while speaking and also have a keen interest in learning new ways to improve your talent.

Poor appearance is one of the downers when it comes to ascertaining a personality. This is not about good looks but the need to look presentable is very important. Dressing in a coordinated manner, a neat haircut, confident body language and an immaculate appearance does well to the self esteem and improves confidence. This also one way to impress the crowd a pleasing personality is essential to convey a forceful message.

Voice modulation is very important. One needs to adopt a natural voice and modulate the same as per the decorum. There are different types of voices like authoritative, tutorial and also expressive. The tone must convey the message and able to connect with the audience. It is also important to understand the language skills of the audience and adopt a simple style of rendering. Dictions are also available and one can enroll in classes to learn more about the same. Neutralizing accents on the mother tongue is also vital.

Homework is essential and also eminent personalities do their rehearsals before going on stage. In an age of transparency, information is valid and the public in a democratic room has more knowledge about various things. Hence it is important to write, edit and phrase the sentences so that it is not read but delivered. The ultimate thing is that it has to be accepted by the public or at least impress them to activate interest.

Losing focus is usually done when there is lack of confidence. Add humor or losing the flow especially during extempore speeches is a bad sign of public speaking. It is fine to use a paragraph out of sequence but the biggest ability is to register the message with the audience. In case the audience is new their expectations get high and hence losing focus renders any speech ineffective.

Pretending or copying the style of a peer, colleague or celebrity is certainly not recommended. This is usually done with an accent, body language or particular tone in speaking. Sincere efforts are surely rewarded while speaking in public.


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