
You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.

Fear of Public Speaking

Cultivating social skills is important to erase the phobia of public behavior. People who are introvert in nature can also go in for public speaking lesson plans or personality development classes that enroll students of all ages. The fear of public speaking is more of the mind and it is important to gather skills that enhance confidence. Usually any kind of interaction initiates response or opinion and this actually makes it important for a person to overcome the shortcomings.

Firstly to counter the fear of meeting people is necessary. Widening social circle is important too as the exchange mutually benefits the social standing. It is also important to take an initiative at PR skills and also cement long standing associations. It is important to address people of whatever cadre with respect. This is the primary step that improves our confidence level and later speaking on the podium will not be difficult.

Secondly it is important to notice people who speak well. Peers and colleagues certainly express presentation skills via power point projections or general opinions during meetings. Watching news or other influential people on television is also another way to imitate skills. Watch for facial expressions, minimal hand gestures and a good body language. Regular practice will give you a unique style.

Thirdly it is essential to inculcate a habit of reading. News reading, papers, magazines will increase you vocabulary and certain traits that become as a trend. Personality is very important and looks can be enhanced effectively with proper grooming. The attire during public speaking should be comfy and apt as per the guidelines. Corporate sessions need to have mellow colors whereas a party time makes it necessary for you to gel with the crowd.

Practice before the mirror to stand well and also speak the word aloud. Stammer and lisp can be therapeutically corrected. Much can be done with a good body language and deep knowledge about the subject through research.


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