
You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.

Addressing a Crowd

Gumption is often the result of confidence and sincerity. While facing a crowd it is natural to be overwhelmed. But it is essential to positively partake in the session while communicating. Inhibitions about the crowd have to be overcome. Firstly it is better to write down the speech in correct English and read out the same in front of the mirror. The correct body language is very important while rendering the subject.

Any distractions from the crowd must be met with a positive frame of mind. In case the crowd is not receptive then weaning from the subject and requesting their attention is also a necessary point. The public speaking lesson plan conducted by various schools gives us an idea about how actually the sessions happen. There are mock rounds where ones credibility or confidence is tested.

Many people have a basic trait of having a low self esteem which is either part of the personality or resorted as a defense mechanism. This has a negative impact on growth and in an age of communication this has to be totally overcome. Social interaction is very much important and allows you to socialize in positive company. This aids the confidence part and also interaction makes us more knowledgeable.

Rehearsing the speech is vital before you go on the podium. Oratory skills can be cultivated by watching videos and also live speeches by eminent people. Scripted speeches are delivered with the correct pronunciation and accentuation on certain words which remain the key message to be delivered in the matter. In case you falter or mispronounce a word, correcting may be necessary to avoid confusion and yet moving on to the next para is important.

Allowing the crowd to settle and the audio arrangement to perfect is important before beginning the speech. There are several constructive therapies for those who face the phobia of crowd but an ounce of determination does much good.


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