
You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.

Overcoming a Lisp

Communication is vital for expression and receiving feedback. This is the pace for any business and also required for normal routine functioning. The public speaking training program is scheduled by experts who will guide you on also formulating presentation skills, writing a speech, expression and correct the subtle mistakes which all of us follow unawares. There are certain pronunciations that need to be corrected even if we have mastery over the language.

A lisp is many times a matter of habit which has gone uncorrected in the long run and hence habitual preferences can be erased completely. There are therapies that coach a person to overcome the lisp and speak a particular pronunciation. Often this is self corrective and more of mind than matter. The person with a lisp usually avoids a conversation but effectively communicating verbally is also essential for success.

Speech classes are done in a professional way to boost the confidence of the person. It is to be understood that great many orators also have this problem and yet stay in the celebrity limelight. The usual problem is inflexions and when the sounds ‘S’ or ‘th’ has to be uttered. This is noticed in childhood but vernacular mediums at times do not encourage any kind of correction.

The person must speak aloud and try short sentences for starters. In case it is noticeable in small children the child can be enrolled in a class and it is also necessary for the parent to do homework sessions. The lessons are effective and simple. Being conscious of a lisp is fine but there is no age to learn something correct. Practicing in front of the mirror and neutralizing vernacular accent in speech is essential.

Natural shyness exhibited during public speaking is just a matter of overcoming the same. Improving vocabulary, concentrating on phonics and reducing distractions is also imperative to overcome the lisp.


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