
You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.

Body Language and Posture

People are usually drawn towards a good personality. The public speaking course in Mumbai also involves the concept of personality development and initiates you to begin a new way of improving your confidence. Body language requires practicing a pose that also gives a message of speaking with conviction. Often eye contact is a means to register interest and sincerity which has to be maintained with all the participants.

The biggest challenge during public speaking is to maintain the poise which is the effect of a good emotional intelligence. Any kind of distraction, counter opinion or objection has to be dealt with lot of self control. Verbal eloquence means using the right words and applying gestures that are apt to make the expression perfect. The personality of a speaker is also about clothes, footwear and appearance.

Slouching is the worst negative expression and however much the vocabulary is strong, the personality does not render effectively speaking. In case you are at a loss of words then thinking clearly will help you mentally looking for an apt word. This should be avoided but gisting the speech and make detail research about the subject. Grooming means a neat hairstyle, immaculate clothes and polished coordinated footwear.

Usually animated expressions make the onlooker confusing. It is important to keep hands on the sides or hold it gently on the podium. The mike height should be properly adjusted. Looking left to right, front and far beyond means making each person in the room interested in you. During casual interactions like send off party of a colleague or appreciation from management it is important to reciprocate with a Thank you.

Folding arms across means not communicating or opposed to interaction. Fidgeting or doodling with pen is another communication that signals disinterest. Shifty eyes, deep breathing or yawning is another flaw in creating an impression. Erect back posture, relaxed hand movements and being sincere in the expression of words is sure to help you convey the right message.


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