
You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.

Public Speaking Topics

The public speaking speech has to be emphatic. Going by general standards the speaker is usually informed of the crowd, their expectations and the topic to be discussed. Rendition is based on developing confidence by gaining the positive response of the people. Expression is an oratory skill that comes with the flow of words. For a difficult topic, research is very much essential. Facts, years, quantity and percentages add value to any kind of speech. The articulation has to be matter of fact and justified.

Public speaking topics are several. The topic for a politician can be comments on the various projects that are half finished and convincing the people about more social amenities. Here facts through figures register a better impact. The speaker should also add a touch of humor to ease out the mundane topic of promising and seeking the votes of the audience.

Topics for public speaking for college elocution can range from ecology, evolution of jazz music, career as a DJ and also the postulation of geometry. Extempore speaking is a skill and many are blessed with this talent. For a person who is well read speaking comes very easily. Jotting points before a Group discussion and presentation may seem necessary but constantly flustering with chits on the stage is quite a downer.

For an official decorum, the topics of speech during the annual general meeting are pre fixed by the management. In case of media coverage, there is a lot of hard work in writing the speech, rehearsing and editing excess vocabulary. The topic must be relevant and not sound totally off the tangent to the existing scene. Though it is fine to deviate via a sentence bringing back the underlying message through good words is very important.

Interesting topics can also be the farewell speech, felicitating a chief guest, wedding reception speech and an informal address at school by a coach or at the school PTA.


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