
You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.

Confidence During Public Speaking

The art of eloquence is a gifted talent. There are various public speaking techniques which occur as we expose ourselves to a gamut of interactions but the most important quality is to muster confidence. Rehearsals may seem important if we are not internally gifted with the quality to wax eloquent. Like all other talents, public speaking also develops into an activity which is unique and denotes a personal style.

To develop confidence homework is essential before putting up a presentation. A few virtues are essential to master the art of public speaking. Few of us have the inner talent but a constant endeavor is important to upkeep the confidence. Faltering on the podium can be well conquered with a bit of poise. Poise during speech is essential to portray the much required positive image. Several styles can be adopted by watching peers. Ultimately it becomes a personal style which emerges as a unique talent.

Many noted elocutionists are also not able to control their animation habits. Though expressions are important to stress on a particular aspect it is very important to control excessive facial expressions or movement of hands. A relaxed body language is very important and this has to be practiced well in advance. Most times we are conscious about the image we portray and hence it is important to gather our confidence and speak with confidence.

Poor dressing is a sure downer when it comes to public speaking. The speaker can be on stage, on a formal decorum or one-among-the audience. People surely watch the dressing and body style of the person as this also contributes to the conviction in the message given in the speech. To support this aspect, dressing aptly and comfortably is important. Venues also indicate formal or semi formal dressing.

The statements made during the speech can be assertive but care has to be taken to control over confidence which can intimidate people.


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