
You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.

Art of Ex-pression

There are different facets of expression. Public speaking is an art of expressing a point, suggestion or also a medium of gentle persuasion. The motive is to give something to the discerning audience so that they can imbibe the skills in the speech. For the same, the timing of speech with relevant facts is highly important. In case the audience is hearing the methodology for the first time, then it becomes necessary to support the speech with pictures or supports. The art of expression can be a talent or there is much scope for improvement through observation.

Expressing the right way means to get down to the level of the audience. In case there are seniors in the group then the right kind of salutation and expression is important. Corporate expressions also relate to jargons but over doing the same will result in confusion. It is also ok to write down the speech so that there is no confusion. Exponents usually prefer the point form where they have their own ability to expand on a topic.

Convincing the audience should not be primary motive but for start session it is more important to win their interest. Too much of vocabulary to a less known audience will take their interest away. Body language has to be friendly, acceptable and agreeable. This is one way to initiate and maintain the interest of the public at large. It is very important to arrange the podium or table in a non-clutter way. This facilitates easy flow of thought and fresh ideas will invoke more interest.

While delivering a speech it is important to appear confident and hide all inhibitions. For the first timers this seems difficult but with practice one can easily master the process with innovative skills that will make the speaker more assertive. The most important point is to upkeep the knowledge level and makes the presentation interesting with animation or diagrams.


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